Truth be told the bar is getting lower. As far as my math course goes, I just want to finish all the while learning what I can. Knowing that it is superficial and prone to being washed away the moment I stop attempting proofs in a particular section. All of this is now a rehearsal to take this class again. Getting back on the horse. Hair of the dog. yadda yadda yadda. So far I haven't looked at my midterm grade because it will contribute to my disappointment, it will do nothing to make it any easier for me to work one problem at a time. A post or so before, I likened this experience to pregnancy. Now extending the metaphor, a stillbirth. It will have a name and it will leave its traces and if you look closely you will see evidence of having had the experience. But not the one I expected and hoped for.
So, a gift to me and to us all is Krista Tippett's interview with Brené Brown.
So, a gift to me and to us all is Krista Tippett's interview with Brené Brown.