Saturday, March 17, 2012

Back Again

Were Calculus a foreign country (maybe it is) I could argue that I've been traveling without benefit of the internet.  But, I haven't.  I've been right here, more often than not in front of this monitor watching YouTube videos on how to derive the 4th derivative and then what to do with it when you do; laughing at the Republicans presidential candidates and sobering myself up with three words:  George W. Bush, and generally doing everything else except this.  Writing for writing's sake.

When my life's a soap opera, I assume radio silence.

Back again.  Like spring is back again.  Older, fatter and none the wiser.  (I'm going to have that translated into Latin one of these days and have a crest made.)  I saw a crocus in the front yard.  I feel the need to write fiction.  I checked out Faulkner's Light in August which I really don't know if that's such a good idea.  Either I'll despair of getting a word on the page or drink more.  He can do that to you.

I have a break from school.  Time to write.  I'll start with a Saturday poem which speaks to my internal contest.

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