Monday, November 5, 2012

Apres Mardi

La Deluge ....

Obama was right:  Voting is the best revenge.  I've had an Obama bumper sticker, (perhaps even two) for almost a year.  Never fastened it to anything but kept it nevertheless.  It wasn't until I was talking to a Close Contemporary and Associate who shares the same DNA (and still owes me money from junior high) the other day and we both said, despite the fact that between us we haven't got 1 good knee that if Obama doesn't get the second term he deserves, we will be rioting in the streets.  Enough is enough.  I am so angry at all the 19th century, misogynistic, social darwinistic, smug, complacent, nativist worshippers of St. Reagan who have convinced themselves that Mitt Romney would be a good president because ... well because He's White!!!!™.  These people have lost they mother-effin' minds.  It's the 21st century all over the planet, bitchez.  Deal with it.

Once of the biggest lessons Husband No. 1 taught me:  You're in a bar.  Two guys are getting into it.  When they stop making noise, that's when the knives come out and the chairs start flying.  If they're still talking shit, finish your beer.

Well, I've stopped talking shit about this election.

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